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Dental CAD Designer (freelancer)
Оголошення деактивовано і можливо вже не актуальне!
Dental CAD Designer (freelancer) NaviStom
Dental CAD Designer (freelancer)
215 04.12.2022
Who we are: TRIDental Implants is a innovative leader in digital implant solutions from Switzerland. With its innovative matrixtechnology, the world`s first dental implant approved for full digital restorations without the use of an abutment, TRIis determined to disrupt and challenge the status quo in implant dentistry in an unforeseen way.

Your mission: To providing super fast, simple and cost-effective treatments to the clinicians we are looking for an experienced CAD designer (freelancer) with the main task: Create dental cad designs of implant prosthetic restorations from single to full arch.

Your story: 
- Have experience, knowledge and passion in digital dentistry
- Working as a CAD design freelancer and has access to CAD software
- At least 5 years` professional experience in 3Shape or exocad CAD design software 
- Flexible schedule
- Good English

Our offer:
Job time: Paid per designed unit

Send us your application to jobs@tri-implants.swiss


  • Зуботехнічна лабораторія. Виконуємо всі види незнімного протезування. NaviStom

    Зуботехнічна лабораторія. Виконуємо всі види незнімного протезування.

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